Our school community has decided on a mandatory school uniform as it presents a consistant image to the public, eliminates peer pressure associated with non-uniform, and allows the school to easily identify our students.
Winter uniform is generally worn the week after Mothers day. However common sense regarding the weather should be exercised.
Children lose clothing very easily so please label all items of clothing with your childs name. Especially jackets and hats.
Uniforms can be conveniently ordered online. Our volunteers aim to process your orders twice a week. Orders will be given to your child to bring home.
If items are not the correct size, please return with labels and packaging intact with a note stating name and size required.
New kindergarten student uniforms can be ordered online and they will be prepared for collection on orientation days or arranged for a convenient time.
The shop also sells good quality second hand items for small donations. These items can also be found online.
Please reach out to apsuniforms@outlook.com if you would like to pay by instalments.
We welcome donations of clean uniform items in good condition that are no longer required.
Our lost propety can be found in our pink wheelie bin.